
Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Give the Importance of Science and technology

we talk about the contribution of science and technology to education and challenges ahead

Today, we cannot expect our life without science and technology revolving around it every single second! Science and technology are extremely essential in our everyday life as they have made things more simple, fast and secured.

Science and technology are both closely related terms. Scientific studies & progress result into wonderful technologies! Science and technologies are not only subjects. Rather, they are the means that provide us with ways and objects that help us live a better life!

While science is the study of entire universe from the cellular level to the highest level, technology is the application arising from science! Hence, we need both of them in our life

Contribution of Science and Technology to Education and Challenges Ahead

Science and technology, the best contribution of education Betting on investment in applied research is a successful decision that can have a country to achieve its development.

It is the only possible way to achieve a positive social transformation.

From the universities it is indispensable to assign a strategic character to the research in priority areas and linked with the scientific advances. Photo: Shutterstock Scientific and technological knowledge is one of the main riches of contemporary societies and an indispensable element to promote economic and social development.

Science, technology and innovation provide the necessary tools for the transformation of societies and their productive structures, rational exploitation of natural resources, food and education.

The development of a plan of strengthening of research, at national and institutional levels, it is necessary to define strategic lines, taking into account the consolidation of new paradigms technoscientific with ability to positively transform the society and production in almost all sectors.

In that sense, it is possible to assign a strategic research in ICT, nanotechnology, biotechnology and technology of food, energy, biomedicine, sustainable exploitation of natural resources, among others. Universities are essential to formulate a strategy for science, technology and innovation, in addition to raise scientific and technological vocations in the new generations.

These institutions must have as its goal promoting the development of research in the different fields of knowledge and its transfer to the society. Practice. So the knowledge to contribute to the development of a society, these should end in productive action.

To take off as a developed country, and combating poverty and inequality, we need to develop research production and application of knowledge, that is, to know and know-how.

We no longer only talk about research and development, we talk about research, development and society, incorporating research and development innovation: R + D + i. Research comes from the field of science, development comes from the field of economics and innovation, from the field of technology, especially today, from ICT.

Neither should we forget human resources and, especially, their training and training. The researcher is formed from the first cycles of his formation. Waiting for students to learn to research in the university is to lose opportunities and potentialities. Scientific development starts from children. And it is not enough for them to learn how to handle scientific thinking, but rather to learn to differentiate scientific certainties from hypotheses, founded beliefs from unfounded ones, and learn other ways of thinking.

On the other hand, the gap between labor market demand and university education has generated controversy among experts. The demands of society demand individuals not only with critical thinking and humanistic training to contribute to sustainable development, but also with solid capabilities to be inserted in an increasingly demanding labor market.

For this reason, the role of universities in the training of these professionals is a topic of current discussion among academics. While higher education houses should orient their training to respond to a specific need in the labor field, they should not necessarily become an organization of knowledge subject to the demands of the market. They must train professionals seeking the integral formation of the person.

But at the same time, they should not encourage immobility and continue reproducing professionals with models of models already overcome. The bureaucratic structure of the university, in general, is very slow and fails to match the evolution of the labor market and society itself, due to the speed with which it changes.

Innovations, demands for new professional profiles and training in new technologies are not always able to be incorporated into university program content in the times and forms demanded by society.

Other spaces. Although in the past I D i activities were financed mostly by the Government, currently new sources of funding are emerging and must be used by the universities. In this sense, foundations, NGOs and, in particular, foreign funding organisations play an important role.

In addition, the contribution of private enterprises is acquiring greater relevance and recognition in an increasing number of developing countries. In recent years, innovation has reached special connotation as the main driver of economic growth, either through innovations of incremental or radical in nature. Innovation activities include incubation of ideas, generation and transfer of knowledge, the acquisition of technologies, products, basic and applied research and experimental development.

In this sense, the University of MorĂ³n's mission is to promote and articulate scientific and humanistic research, technological innovation and experimental teaching. From the Ministry of science and technology it regulates, coordinates and power investment of human and material resources available for this purpose, in close collaboration with the areas of research, knowledge transfer and experimental teaching of each faculty, more than seventy scientific projects.

Science and Technology Studies (STS) Technology, science and knowledge are important in modern contemporary society. ... Studies of technology and science gives insight into the understanding and knowledge of technology, science and knowledge from the viewpoint of the humanities and the social sciences.


The implementation of a system of research - product of the disposal of the authorities of the University in promoting the area - and the creation of a Fund for this purpose funding have led to the possibility of reaching levels of excellence and institutional quality in the scientific and technological area and accomplish tasks of innovation and transfer of knowledge to the community.

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